Se describen las masas de huevos y ninfas del primer estadio de los siguientes Fulgoridae neotropicales: Fu/gora 5pp., Cerogellts QlUicoma (Bunneister, 1835), Diareusa inUtalrlx Ossiannilsson, 1940, y Pterodictya reticu/arLr (Olivier, 1791) (huevos únicamente)
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Burmeister, H. 1835. Handbuch der entomologie 2(1): 168.
Hingston, R.W.G. 1932. A naturalist in the Guiana Forest. Longmans, Green; London, 384 p.
Hogue, C.L. 1985. Observations on the plant hosts and possible mimicry models of "Lantern Bugs" (Fulgora spp.) (Homoptera: Fulgoridae). Rev. Biol. Trop. 32: 145-150.
Janzen, D. & C.L Hogue. 1983. Fulgora laternaria (Machaca, Peanut-headed Bug, Lantern Fly), p.726-727 In D.H. Janzen (ed.). Costa Rican Natural History. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. xi, 816 p.
Johnson, L.K. & R.B. Foster. 1986. Associations of large Homoptera (Fulgoridae and Cicadidae) and trees in a tropical forest. J. Kansas Entomol. Soc. 59: 415-422.
O'Brien, L.B. 1988. New World Fulgoridae, Part 1: Genera with elongate head processes. Grcat Basin Natur. Mem. 12:135-170.

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