A total of 1117 specimens O. medirastre and 715 of O. bulleri were collected on the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica betwen 1985 and 1986. Both species spawn year round with maturation peaks from January through April in O. medirastre and from April through June in O. bulleri. The sex ratio showed no defined pattern in either species.
Absolute fecundity was significantly correlated with weight and total lenght in both species. The number of oocites/fish gram was 401 ± 51 in O. medirastre and 419 ± 67 in O. bulleri. These Clupeids could be ranked with an absolute fecundity of intermediate value (15.000 - 110.000 eggs) among the fish stocks of commercial value.
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Richards, W.J., R.V. Miller & E.D. Houde. 1973. Egg and larval development of the atlantic thread herring. Opishonema oglion Fish. Bull. 72 (4): 1123-1136.
Rodríguez, J .A., J .A. Palacios & A.L. Chavarría. 1986. Fecundidad y época de desove del arenque hebra Opisthonema libertare (Pisces: Clupeidae) en el Golfo de Nicoya, Costa Rica. Uniciencia (en prensa).
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Stevenson, D.K. & F. Carranza. 1981. Maximun yield estimates for the Pacific thread herring Opisthonema spp., fishery in Costa Rica. Fish. Bull. 79 (4): 689-703.

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