Cynoscion nothus is a non-estuarine dependent marine species, nevertheless, influenced by estuarine processes. It was found distributed in Campeche Sound west of Terminos Lagoon with a preference for depths of less than 40 m. Females mature between 124 and 144 mm TL. Reproduction takes place from May to June and October to December and spawning occurs in the coastal zone influenced by estuarine processes and at depths of less than 15 m. Juveniles do not have obvious migrations. Recruitment takes place in June and November and is correlated with high density and low biomass. High biomass is represented by the presence of many adult individuals. It is a third order carnivorous consumer that feeds mainly on fish and secondly on crustaceans as an adult, while as a juvenile it feeds mainly on crustaceans and secondly on fish. The condition of the population varies with changes in its reproductive dynamics and recruitment of juveniles. There are no significant differences in mortality per size between males and females: both reach similar sizes. This species is most efficiently captured at 160 mm TL.
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Yáñez-Arancibia, A., P. Sánchez-Gil, M. Tapia García & Ma. de la C. García-Abad. 1983. Ecology and community structure of demersal fish in Campeche Sound in the southern Gulf of Mexico: Ocean tropical resources. CNC/SCOR. Proceedings of the Joint Oceanographic Assembly, 1982-General Simposia. Otawa, Ont. microfilm 3:107.
Yáñez-Arancibia, A., P. Sánchez-Gil, M. Tapia García & Ma. de la C. García-Abad. 1985a. Ecology community structure and evaluation of tropical demersal fishes in the Southern Gulf of Mexico. Cahiers de Biologie Marine 26:127-163.
Yáñez-Arancibia, A., A.L. Lara-Domínguez, A. Aguirre León, S. Díaz Ruíz, F. Amezcua Linares, D. Flores Hernández & P. Chavance. 1985b. Ecology of dominant fish population on tropical estuaries: Environmental factors regulating biological estrategies and production, p. 311-365. In: A. Yáñez-Arancibia (ed.). Fish Community Ecology in Estuaries and Coastal Lagoons: Towards and Ecosystem Integration. Editorial Universitaria, UNAM-PUAL-ICML, México.
Yáñez-Arancibia, A., A.L. Lara-Domínguez, P. Sánchez-Gil, Ma. de la C. García Abad, H. Alvarez Guillén, M. Tapia García, D. Flores Hernández & F. Amezcua Linares. 1985c. Ecology and evaluation of fish community in coastal ecosystems; Estuary-shelf interrelationships in the Southern Gulf of Mexico, p. 475-498. In: A. Yáñez-Arancibia (ed.). Fish Community Ecology in Estuaries and Coastal Lagoons: Towards an Ecosystem Integration Editorial Universitaria, UNAM-PUAL-ICML, México.
Yáñez-Arancibia, A., A.L. Lara-Domínguez, A. Aguirre León & S. Díaz Ruiz. 1986. Feeding ecology of tropical estuarine fishes in relation to recruitment processes, Vol. 44. In: A. Yáñez-Arancibia y D. Pauly (ed.). Recruitment processes in tropical coastal demersal communities. Ocean Science in Relation to Living Resources (OSRL), International Recruitment Project (IREP), IOC-FAO-UNESCO Workshop Press Series. (en prensa).
Yáñez-Arancibia, A., A.L. Lara-Domínguez, P. Sánchez-Gil, l. Vargas Maldonado, P. Chavance, H. AIvarez Guillén, F. Amezcua Linares, Ma. de la C. García-Abad, D. Flores Hernández, M. Alvarez Rubio, M. Tapia García, S. Díaz Ruiz, A. Aguirre León & J.L. Rojas Galavíz. 1981. Las comunidades de peces y el habitat de la Laguna de Términos y de la Sonda de Campeche durante los cruceros de febrero de 1980 a abril de 1981: Comparación y caracterización de las interacciones laguna-sonda. Tercer Informe: Proyecto de Investigación, Análisis Comparativo de las Poblaciones de Peces de la Sonda de Campeche y de la Laguna de Términos antes y después del Derrame Petrolero del Pozo IXTOC-I. PCEESC/UNAM/ICML (TI). 446 p.
Yáñez-Arancibia, A., A.L. Lara-Domínguez, P. Sánchez-Gil. H. Alvarez Guillén, l. Vargas Maldonado, A. Aguirre León, M. Tapia García, Ma. de la C. García-Abad, D. Flores Hernández, P. Chavance, F. Amezcua Linares, D. Díaz Ruiz, M. Alvarez Rubio Y J.L. Rojas Galavíz. 1982. Caracterización Ambiental del Sistema Ecológico y Análisis Comparativo de las Poblaciones de Peces de la Sonda de Campeche y de la Laguna de Términos antes y después del Derrame Petrolero del Pozo IXTOC-I (Informe Final). PCEESC/UNAM/ICML (IF). 211 p.

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