Eunice riojai n. sp., is described from the Caribbean Coast of Mexico based upon one specimen collected among intertidal sponges. This species belongs to the Pantropical fuscus-unidentatus group. It has a peculiar parapodial development and vranchial distribution, Main morphological characters of the species of this group are compared and a key to the group is included.References
de León-González, J.A. & S.I. Salazar-Vallejo. 1987. Redescripción y extensión de ámbito de Eunice sonorae Fauchald, 1970 (Annelida: Poluchaeta). Rev. Biol. Trop. 35 (1): 143-145.
Fauchald, K. 1970. Polychaetous annelids of the families Eunicidae, Lumbrineridae, Iphitimidae, Arabellidae, Lysaretidae and Dorvilleidae from Western Mexico. Allan Hancock Monogr. Mae. Biol., 5:1-237.
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Rioja, E. 1962. Estudios anelidológicos XXVI. Algunos anélidos poliquetos de las costas del Pacífico de México. An. Inst. Biol. (México) 33(1-2) 131-229.
Shmarda, L. K. 1861 Neve weibellose Thiere beobachtet und gesammelt auf einer Reise um die Erde 1853. bis 1957. Leipzig, Vol. 1. Turbellarien, Rotatorien und Anneliden. Pt 2. pp. 1-64, 22 pls.
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