Effects of various diets on Eudrilus eugeniae (Oligochaeta) coccon production and the effects of various incubating media on hatchability of the cocoons, were studied in culture pots. The results indicated that the Pennisetum polystachion (Shum et Thonn) grass diet, as compared to the Panicum maximum (L) grass diet induced more and faster cocoon production, greater hatchability, greater number of worms per correlated to weight-1 cocoon (size) and varied with the cocoons were laid and isolated, and (for cocoons isolated from a given diet) the type of the incubating media significanty influenced hatchability and the number of worms per hatch. Generally vermicompost material (mostly earthworm castas and little organic residues) constituted favourable incubating media which gave rise to great hatchability and hight number of worms per hatch. The number of days to hatching of cocoons was negatively correlated to the stage (duration days) at wich they were laid. Cocoons laid at later vermicomposting stage hatched out faster than those laid at the earlier stage.References
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