Limnological studies of Guatemalan lakes are scarce, Since 1978, flooding caused by increasing of lake Petén Itzá water level has been a serious problem. This lake is warm monomictic with thermocline around 20 meters and with a maximum depth of 60 m. Stratification lasts from February to November. Water chemical characteristics since 1969 to 1985 were subject to a preliminary investigation. Calcium doubled since 1975, the rest of ions remained constant. Probably, the increase of calcium was related with the plugging of the groundwater outflow, which causes the increasing of the water level. Sulfate was the main anion. Lyngbya and Mycrocystis were the dominant algae in 1969 and 1983, respectivelly.References
Basterrechea, M. 1986 (1987). Limnología del Lago de Amatitlán, Guatemala. Rev. Brasil. Biol. 46: 461-468.
Basterrechea, M. 1987. Caracterización limnológica preliminar de 32 lagunas en Guatemala. Rev. Biol. Trop. 36(1): 115-122.
Brezonik, P.I. & J.L. Fox, 1974. The Limnology of selected Guatemalan lakes. Hydrobiologia 45: 467-487.
MacLaren Plansearch Inc. 1981. Investigation into causes of increase in water levels of lake Petén Itzá, Guatemala. Sin publicar.

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