The ultrastructure of mitotic nuclei of the promastigote Leishmania mexicana ssp. was studied by serial thin sections and threedimensional reconstructions of each divisional stage. At the beginmng of nuclear division (equatorial stage), a set of six dense plaques located about the equatorial region of the nucleus and a microtubular spindle develops in the two opposing poles of the nucleus (two sets of polar microtubules). The microtubular mitotic spindle is entirely intranuclear with the nuclear membrane persisting through mitosts. The polar spindle consists of a discrete bundle of about 50 microtubules and the equatorial spindle is formed by about 100 microtubules. The spindle may contain several continuous microtubules, but no microtubular organizing centres were observed in association with the spindle. The plaques and hemiplaques are associated with microtubular bundles; some of the spindle microtubules converge on kinetochore-like plaques. It is suggested that the spindle has a special significance in the physiology of mitosis. The two sets of hemiplaques may guide the separation of the daughter genomes. At the beginning of the elongational stage the mitotic plaques split into halves and each set of half-plaques migrates to one pole. It is concluded that the dense plaques play a kinetochore-like role and thus Leishmania mexicana ssp. may have six chromosomal units. Mitotic events of this species are essentially similar to those of Trypanosoma cruzi.
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