Preliminary sampling of near-surface sediments from Caverna Ojos Verdes, Barra Honda National Park, Costa Rica, yielded remains of the white-footed mouse, Peromyscus stirtoni, which was not reported previously from this country. Remains of other animals recovered from the cave sediments include fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and fourteen taxa of mammals. The mammalian fauna is dominated by forest species. The environment which existed when the remains of these animals were deposited in the cavern was probably dry tropical forest, similar to that which occurs on Cerro Barra Honda today. Actual age of the sediments in unknown, but tiny fragments of pottery in some levels suggests middle to late Holocene. The occurrence of P. stirtoni probably represents a pre-Columbian distribution in a dry forest habitat which has since been mostly lost due to clear-cutting for agriculture.
Baker, R. H. 1983. Sigmodon hispidus, p. 490-492. In D. H. Janzen (ed). Costa Rican Natural History. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Grady, F. 1982. A preliminary report of mammalian remains collected from caves visited by the 1982 Costa Rica expedition, p. 35-36. In Preliminary Report of the 1982 National Speleological Society Expedition to Costa Rica to Study the Caves of Barra Honda National Park in Guanacaste Province.
Hall, E. R. 1981. The Mammals of North America, second edition. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2 volumes, xviii+1181 p.
Harris, W. P., Jr. 1943. A list of mammals from Costa Rica. Occas. Papers Mus. Zool., Univ. Michigan 476: 1-15.
Hibbard, C. W. 1949. Techniques of collecting microvertebrate fossils. Contrib. Mus. Paleontol. Univ. Michigan 8: 7-19.
Huckaby, D. G. 1980. Species limits in the Peromyscus mexicanus group (Mammalia: Rodentia: Muroidea). Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles Country 326: 1-24.
Jones, J. K., Jr. & T. L. Yates. 1983. Review of the white-footed mice, genus Peromyscus, of Nicaragua. Occas. Papers Mus., Texas Tech Univ. 80: 1-22.
Lundelius, E. L., Jr., R. W. Graham, E. Anderson, J. Сuilday, J. A. Holman, D. W. Steadman & S. D. Webb. 1983. Terrestrial vertebrate faunas, p. 311353. In H. E. Wright, Jr., and S. C. Porter (eds.). Late-Quaternary Environments of the United States, Vol. 1, The Late Pleistocene. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis.
McGroskey, C. L. 1982. The archaeological survey report of the National Speleological Society 1982 expedition to Barra Honda National Park in Costa Rica, p. 9-24. In Preliminary Report of the 1982 National Speleological Society Expedition to Costa Rica to Study the Caves of Barra Honda National Park in Guanacaste Province.
McPherson, A. B. 1985. A biogeographical analysis of factors influencing the distribution of Costa Rican rodents. Brenesia 23: 97-273.
National Speleological Society. 1982. Preliminary Report of the 1982 National Speleological Society Expedition to Costa Rica to Study the Caves of Barra Honda National Park in Guanacaste Province. 41 р.
Prestt, H. & R. Wagstaffe. 1984, Barn and bay owls: Tyto, Pholidotus, p. 40–42. In J. Rignali (ed.) Owls of the World. Tanager Books, Dover, New Hampshire.
Vaughan, C. & M. McCoy. 1982. Barn owl food habits. Brenesia 19/20; 614-615.
Vaughan, C., G. Canessa, M. McCoy, M. Rodríguez, J. Bravo, J. Sánchez, R. Morales, T. Hawkins, E. Crozier, D. Shaffer, M. Rodríguez & F. Hodgson. 1982. Refugio de Fauna Silvestre Rafael Rodríguez Caballero (Palo Verde). Plan de Manejo y Desarrollo. Editorial de la Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica. 272 p.
Wilson, D. E. 1983. Checklist of mammals, p. 443-447. In D. Janzen (ed.). Costa Rican Natural History. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

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