Cleantioides vonprahli n. sp. is described from Bahía Málaga, Colombia. It was captured in bottom trawlings, with amphipods and another idoteid isopod: Cleantioides occidentalis (Richard son 1899). This new species is closest to C. planicauda (Richardson 1899) and C. occidentalis, but can be distinguished from the first species by the number of articles on the maxillipedal palp, and the second species by the shape of pleotelson. The present paper is the first record of idoteid isopods from the Colombian Pacific waters.
Brusca, R. C. 1984. Phylogenu, evolution and biogeography of the marine isopod subfamily Idoteinae (Crustace: Isopoda: Idoteidae). Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist. 20: 99-134.
Brusca, R.C. & E. W. Iverson. 1985. A guide to the marine isopod crustacea of Pacific Costa Rica, Rev. Biol. Trop, 33 Supplement 1: 1-77.
Brusca, R. C. & B. R. Wallerstein. 1979. The marine isopod crustaceans of the Gulf of California. II. Idoteidae. New genus, and species, range extensions, and comments on evolution and taxonomy within the family. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 92: 253-271.
Kensley, B, & H. W. Kaufman. 1978. Cleantioides, a new idoteid genus from Baja California and Panama. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 91: 658-665.
Richardson, H. E. 1899. Key to the isopod of the Pacific coast of North America, with description of twenty-two new species. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 21: 815-869.
Richardson, H. R. 1905. Monograph on the isopods of North America. U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 54: 1-727.

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