A new subspecies of the jarrovi complex genus Sceloporus, is described from the Sierra Madre Oriental, at Santiago and Villa Juárez, Nuevo León, México. Sceloporus jarrovi cyaneus n. ssp. is of medium size (85.2 mm male adult), collar 2-4 wide scales rows, dorsal scales 38-45 (ave 41.4), femoral pores 26-36 (ave 30.8), two rows of supraoculares, with a prussian blue color in life. The new subspecies is compared with related forms and its general habitat is reported.
Axtell. R. W. & C. A. Axtell. 1971. A new lizard (Sceloporus jarrovi cyanostictus) from the Sierra Madre of Coahuila, México. Copeia (1): 89-98.
Chrapliwy, P. S. 1965. Taxonomy and Distribution of the jarrovi Complex of Lizards of the torquatus group, Genus Sceloporus. Doctoral dissertation Univ. Illinois, Urbana.

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