Glycinde multidens Müller is redescribed based on 45 specimens collected in the type locality, Santa Catarina Island, Brazil, by M. L. Jones and T. P. Lowe in November 1965. The species is characterized by a conical prostomium with 8 to 9 annulations; transition between uniramous and biramous regions between setigers 25 to 28; the notopodium has 3 simple hooded hooks. A Neotype is designated for the species.
Augener, H. 1918. Polychaeta. In Michaelsen, W. ed. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Meeresfauna West Afrikas. Herauagegeben von W. Michaelaen, Hamburg,
: 67-625.
Hartman, O. 1940. Polychaetous annelida, 2. Cryaopetalidae to Goniadidae. Allan Hancook Paco Exped. 7: 173-287.
Hartman, O. 1950. Goniadidae, Glyceridae and Nephtydae. Allan Hancook Paco Exped. 15: 1-181.
Lana, P. C. 1984. Anelideos Poliquetaa Errantes do Litoral do Estado do Paraná. Tese de Doutor em Ciencias. Instituto Océanográfico da Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil. 275 p.
Müller, F. 1858. Einiges Uber die Annelidenfauna der Insel Santa Catharina an der brasilianischen Küste. Arch. Naturg 24: 211-220.

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