The New World species of Pharaxonotha Reitter are reviewed. Four species are recognized: Pharaxonotha floridana (Casey) is known only from Florida, breeding in the cones of Zamia pumila; P. skirschii Reitter is a widespread, stored products pest, often associated with cotton bolls, stored grain, and edible tubers; two new species from Costa Rica, P. clarkorum and P. confusa, feed on the pollen of Zamia skinneri and Z. fairchildeana respectively. A key to the species found in the New World is presented.
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Rymer Roberts, A. W. 1939. On the taxonomy of Erotylidae (Coleoptera), with special reference to the morphological characters of the larvae. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 88: 89-118.
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