From November 1984 to July 1985, 130 plantules of Rhizophora mangle (24 cm of mean height) were transplanted from Caño Lequeriquia (Canal del Dique) from upper, middle and lower litoral zones in Arena, Macabi and Pavitos islands, respectively exposed, intermediate exposed and not exposed. Density was 9 ind./m. A 20.80% was established with 21.96 mm mean month growth. The best results were obtained in lower littoral zone, protected island (Pavitos I.). A peak was observed both in leaf production and in mean month growth for all trials in the month that when the rains began.
Duque, G. F. 1983. Parque Nacional Natural Corales del Rosario. INDERENA (CIP). Inf. Int. 25 p.
Godorth, H. & J. Thomas. 1979. Plantings of red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle, L.) for stabilization of marl shorelines in the Florida Keys, p. 207-230 In Procc. of sixth Ann. Conf. on Wetlands Rest. and Creat. May 19. Tampa. CRC press, Hilbborough, Fla.
Hanan, J. 1976. Aspects of mangrove reforestation in Florida, p. 112-120. In R. Lewis (ed.), Proc. 2nd. Conf. Restor. Coastal Vegetation Fla. Hillsborough Communite College. Tampa, May 17, 1.985. CRC press, Hillsborough, Fla.
Kinch, J. 1975. Effort in marine revegetation in artificial habitats, p. 102-111 In R. Lewis (ed.) Procc. of the 2nd. Ann. Conf. on Restoration Coastal Vegetation. Tampa, May 17. CRC press, Hillsborough, Fla.
Pulver, T. 1976. Transplanting techniques for sampling mangrove trees, Rhizophora mangle, Laguncularia racemosa and Avicennia germinans in Florida. Fla. Dept. Nat. Resour. Fla. Mar. Res. Publ. 22, 15 p.

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