Physical and chemical data including temperature and transparency of the water, pH, dissolved oxygen, hardness and alcalinity, as well as primary production and details of the phytoplankton structure in the lake of Tequesquitengo, Morelos, México between March 7 and May 22, 1981 are presented here. Fifteen species were identified: 13 in bottle samples and 2 in one series taken with net, five taxa could be identified to genus level; all taxa belong to five algal lasses; the diatom Navicula cryptocephala and the dinoflagellate Peridinium cinctum were the most abundant species. During this study, while dominance decreased by one single species the diversity and eveness indices were increasing. At the end of May the green and the blue-green algae increase in numerical importance. Gross primary produ ction and phytoplankton biornass were significantly related. Influence by stratification and mixed periods over the variation of some variables and phytoplankton species succession is discussed.
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