Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Nuevos registros de aves para la Isla María Madre, Nayarit, México
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How to Cite

Contreras Balderas, A. J. (1987). Nuevos registros de aves para la Isla María Madre, Nayarit, México. Revista De Biología Tropical, 35(2), 353–354. Retrieved from


The present paper includes nine species of birds here reported from collections made in October 1979 and August 1980. These are: Calidris alpina pacifica, Limnodromus griseus hendersoni, Gallinogo gallinago delicata, Crotophaga sulcirostris sulcirostris, Chloroceryle americano hachisukai, Spiza americana, and Melozpisa lincolnii lincolnii. Fragata magnificens and the exotic Passer domesticus were observed but not collected.
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American Ornitologists’Union. 1983. Check-Iist of the North American Birds. American Ornithologists'Union Sixth Ed.

Anónimo. 1979. Bancos e Islas en el Oceano Pacífico. Dirección General de Flota, Industria e Instalaciones Pesqueras. Serie Tecnológica No. 18.

Grant, P.R. &I. McT. Cowan. 1964. A review of the avifauna of the Tres Marias Islands, Nayarit, México. Condor 66: 221-228.

Grant, P.R. 1965. A systematic study of the terrestrial birds of the Tres Marias Islands, México. Postilla No. 90 Peobody Museum of Natural History, Yale


Grant, P.R. 1966. Late breeding of the Tres Marias Islands. Condor 68: 249-252.

Northern, J.R. 1965. Notes on the Owls of the Tres Marias Islands, Nayarit, Mexico. Condor 67: 358.

Stager, K.E. 1957. The avifauna of the Tres Marias Islands, Mexico. Auk 74: 413-432.

Tamayo, J.L. 1959. Geografía General de México: Instituto Mexicano de Investigaciones Económicas.


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