This species is a tree 30-35 m high and ± 100 cm in diameter, native in the north and northeast of the Atlantic Coast, Costa Rica. Wood characteristics: Fine texture, irregular growth rings (5,8 rings/inch), diffuse porosity and multiple pores in radial and tangential lines. Pores 0,1-0,2 mm in diameter, abundant ( 160 pores/ 100mm2); vessel members short (average length 112 µm) , simple perforation plates, transversal or slightly obliques. Intervascular pitting alternate, vestured. Rays abundant, homogeneous, short (less than 1 mm hight), uniseriate, sometimes biseriate. Fibers fusiform, locally stratified, short; Runkel Factor equivalent to 1,0. Moisture content is 16,48%: ashes content 0,8%. Wood moderately useful for pulp production.
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