A ten day study of the Guapote Cichlasoma dovii (Gunther, 1964) was carried out in Lake Arenal Fishes were captured using gillnets, hooks and lines, and longlines. This information plus other obtained from records of fishing con tests were used as imput for several algorithms that use size frecuency data. The explotation rate (E) of the guapote is 0.59. The value of y max was 0.41 Y. These two results indicate that the resource is overexploited. Information regarding the distribution of the species, several aspects of its biology and recomendations for the management of the resource are also offered.
Bussing, W. A. & Myrna L. López. 1977. Distribución y aspectos ecológicos de los peces de las cuencas hidrográficas de Arenal, Bebedero y Tempisque, Costa Rica. Rev. Biol. Trop. 25: 13-37.
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Gulland, J. Fish Stock Assessment. 1983. A Manual of basic methods: Volume 1 FAO/WilIey Series on Food and Agriculture John Wiley & Sons.
Martín, W.E., F.H. Bollman & R.L. Gum. 1982. Economic value of the Lake Mead Fishery, Fisheries, Vol. 7, No. 6.
McKaye, K. R. 1977. Competition for breeding sites between the cichlid fishes of the Lake Jiloa, Nicaragua, Ecology 58: 291-302.
Meoño, M. R. 1979. Estudio sistemático de los guapotes de América Central Tesis de Licenciado en Biología. Universidad de Costa Rica.
Pauly, D. N. David & J. Ingles. 1980. Elefan I: user's instructions and program listing. Mineo ICLARM.
Pauly, D., N. David & J. Ingles. 1981. ELEFAN II. User's instructions and program Iisting. Mimeo. ICLARM.
Welch. P. S. 1948. Limnological Methods. Blakiston.
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