Analyses of the annelid polychaete populations associated with the Thalassia testudinum grassbeds south of Isla del Carmen (Campeche, Mexico) during an annual cycle, showed a direct relationship between physico-chemical and sedimentary parameters and their distribution. Seasonal variations in salinity and temperature influenced Thalassai similarly and affected the polychaete populations which decreased in abundance and diversity during the decaying period of the grassbeds. The feeding habits of the organims reflect the conditions of the grassbed, since more than 50% of the collected species are deposit feeders, while at the same time a great proportion lives in sandy bottoms.
The eleven dominant species in this study were divided in various groups: 1) species typical of the grassbeds (Marphysa sanguinea, Melinna maculata and Prionospio heterobranchia); 2) species typical of estuarine enviroments limited principally by salinity (Caulleriella bioculata, Neanthes caudate, N. succinea and Polydora plena); and, 3) species limited by local conditions (Syllis spongicola, Ehlersia mexicana and Capitella capitata). The distribution of Terebella lapidaria, the most abundant species, was anaIysed separately. The structure of the community has remained for several years in spite of the enviromental fluctuations of the lagoon. Nine genera and twenty species are newly reported for the area.
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