The ectoparasitic mite Varroa jacobsoni Oudemans has become a scourge of commercial apiculture. It has rapidly extended its range from Asia westward in Europe and recently reached northern Africa. In America, it is now found from Brazil to Argentina, and may extend northward and reach North America as a parasite of africanized bees. The mite feeds on the hemolymph of adult and larval honey bees (A. cerana, Apis mellifera) and completes its life history within the cells of larval and pupal stages of the bee.References
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Koeniger, N., G. Koeniger & N. H.P. Wijayagunasekara. 1981. Beobachtungen über die Ampassung von Varroa jacobsoni an ihren natürlichen Wirt Apis cerana in Sri Lanka. Apidiologie, 12: 37-40.
Pound, J.M. & J.H. Oliver. 1979. Juvenile hormone evidence in the reproduction of ticks. Science 206: 355-357.
Ramírez B., W. & G.W. Otis, 1986. Developmental phases in the lyfe cycle of Varroa jacobsoni an ectoparasite mite on honey bees. Bee World. 67: 92-97.
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Ruttner, F., & G. Marx. 1984. Beobachtungen über eine mogliche anpassung von Varroa jacobsoni an Apis mellifera L. in Uruguay. Apidiologie, 15: 43-62.
Smirnov, A.M. 1978. Research results obtained in U.S.S.R. concerning aetiology, parthenogenesis, epizootiology, diagnosis and control of Varroa discase in bees. Apiacta, Bukarest, 13: 149-162.
Tewarson, N.C. 1983. Nutrition and reproduction in the ectoparasiste honeybee (Apis sp.) mite Varroa jacobsoni. Doctoral Dissert. Universität Tubingen, W. Gerpany.

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