We report the presence of sloths (Bradypus griseus and Choloepus hoffmannii) at elevations higher than 2400 m, in the Braulio Carrillo National Park (province of Heredia), where we made field observations [rom December 1983 to November 1984. An additional specimen from Turrialba Volcano at a 3328 m elevation was examined.References
Alstón. E. R. 1982. Biología Centrali-americana. Mammalia. Taylor & Francis. Londres. 220 p.
Bourliére. F. 1964. The natural history of mammals. (3a. ed.). Trad. del francés por H.M. Parshley A.A. Knopf. Nueva York. 387 p.
Eisemberg, J. F. 1973. A preliminary analysis of neo tropical mammal fauna. Biotropica 5:
Goodwin, G. G. 1946. Mammals of Costa Rica. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 87: 473.
Montgomery, G. G. y M. E. Sunquist. 1978. Habitat selection and use by two-toed and three-toed sloths. In: O. G. Montgomery. The Ecology of Arboreal Polivores. Smithsonian Institus. Press. Washington, D. C. 574 pp.
Mora. J. M. Y L. Moreira. 1984. Mamíferos de Costa Rica. Editorial Universidad Estatal a Distancia. San José. Costa Rica. 176 pp.
Tosi. J. 1968. Mapa Ecológico (Costa Rica). Centro Científico Tropical. San José.

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