Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Tamaño, estructura y distribución de una población de <i>Crocodylus acutus</i> (Crocodylia:Crocodilidae) en Costa Rica
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How to Cite

Sasa, M., & Chaves, G. (1992). Tamaño, estructura y distribución de una población de <i>Crocodylus acutus</i> (Crocodylia:Crocodilidae) en Costa Rica. Revista De Biología Tropical, 40(1), 131–134. Retrieved from


Spatial distribution and population size of Crocodylus acutus were estimated during the dry season (January-April) of 1989 and 1990 in the Grande de Tárcoles rivet, SO Co sta Rica. A high den síty ( 19.1 índividuals/km) was foond,with no dífference between years. The síze-class distribution was 43.9% juvenile, 21.3% sub-adWt and 34.8% adulto Similar results have been reponed from other parts of its range
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Copyright (c) 1992 Revista de Biología Tropical


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