Se comunican nuevas extensiones de distribución para cuatro especies de lenguados (Bothidae) a lo largo de la costa del Pacífico Oriental. Se comunica la presencia de Etropus peruvianus y Syaclum latifrons por primera vez en la costa pacífica de México.
Beebe, W. & J. Tee-Van. 1938. Eastern Pacific Expeditions of the New York Zoolocial Society, XV. Seven New Marine Fishes from Lower California. Zoologica, 23: 299-312.
Gilbert, C.H. 1890. Scientific results of explorations by the U.S. Fish Commission Steamer Albatross. No. XII. A preliminary report on the fish.es collected by the Steamer Albatross on the Pacific coast of North America during the year 1889, with descriptions of twelve new genera and ninety-two new species. Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus., 13: 49-126.
Hildebrand, S.F. 1946. A descriptive catalog of the shore fishes of Peru. Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus., 189: 530 p.
Jordan, D.S. & C.H. Gilbert. 1882. Descriptions of nineteen new species of fishes from the Bay of Panama. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm., 1: 306-335.
López, M.l. & W.A. Bussing. 1982. Lista provisional de los peces marinos de la Costa Pacífica de Costa Rica. Rev. Biol. Trop., 30: 5-26.
Meek S.E. & S.F. Hildebrand. 1928. The marine fishes of Panama. Fiels Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ. Fieldiana (Zool.), 15, Part III: 709- 1045.
Nielsen, J.G. 1963. Notes on some Heterosomata (Pisces) from N-W South America with the description of a new genus and species and a new subspecies of Paralichthinae. Vidensk. Medd. Dansk Naturh. Foren. Kbh., 125: 377-400.
Norman, J.R. 1934. A systematic monograph of the flatfishes (Heterosomata). Trustees of the British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London, 1: 1-459.
Price, K.S. Jr., M.L. Bussing, W.A. Bussing, D. Maurer, & C.E. Bartels. 1980. II. Finfish Survey: 83-144. In Progress report of 1979 International Sea Grant
Program. Ecological Assessment of Finfish and Megabenthic Invertebrates as Indicators of Natural and Impacted Habitats in the Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica. Eds. D. Maurer, Ch. Epifanio, y K.S. Price, Jr. University of Delaware, College of Marine Studies, Lewes, Delaware, 306 p.
Ramírez-Hernández, E. & J. Páez-Barrera. 1965. Investigaciones ictiológicas en las costas de Guerrero, I. Lista de peces marinos de Guerrero colectados en el período 1961-1965. An. Inst. Nal. Invest. Biol. Pes., 1: 329-358.
Rosenblatt, R.H. 1967. The zoogeographic relationships of the marine shore fishes of tropical America. Proc. Intern. Conf. on Trop. Oceanogr., Stud. Trop. Oceanogr., 5: 579-592.
Walker, B.W. 1960. The distribution and affinities of the marine fish fauna of the Gulf of California: 123-133. In Symposium: The biogeography of Baja California and adjacent seas, Part II. Marine Biotas. Syst. Zool., 9 (3).

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