Since June, 1983 many corals and other reef organisms on the Caribbean and Pacific coasts of Costa Rica were observed to be bleached, due to loss of their symbiotic zooxanthellae. Some of the corals recovered by the end of October while others died. Observations, mainly at Parque Nacional Cahuita, Limón (Caribbean coast), were not conclusive as lo the causative agent for this massive death, High water temperatures, combined with other environmental stresses, could be responsible, since in June, 1983, temperatures of 33 and 35 °C were recorded at Cahuita. Apparently the boring sponge Cliona caribbea profited by the massive death of these corals.
Antonius, A. 1977. Coral mortality in reefs: A problem for science and management. Proc. 3rd. Int. Coral Reef Symp., 2: 617-623.
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Carret, P., & H. Ducklow. 1975. Coral diseases in Bermuda. Nature, 253: 349-350.
Glynn, P. W. 1983a. Extensive bleaching and death of reef corals on the Pacific coast of Panamá. Env. Cons., 10: 149-154.
Glynn, P. W. 1983b. Coral bleaching and death in Panamá. Coral Reef Newsletter, 12: 8-9.
Glynn, P. W. 1984. Widespread coral mortality and the 1982-83 El Niño warming event. Env. Cons., 11: 133-146.
Goreau, T. F. 1964. Mass expulsion of zooxanthellae from Jamaican reef communities after Hurricane Flora. Science, 145: 383-386.
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Johannes, R. E. 1975. Pollution and degradation of coral reef communities, p. 13-181. In E. J. Ferguson Wood y R. E. Johannes (eds.). Oceanographic Series 12. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Holanda.
Murillo, M.M., & J. Cortés. 1984. Alta mortalidad en la población del erizo de mar Diadema antillamm Philippi (Echinodermata: Echinoidea), en el Parque Nacional Cahuita, Limón, Costa Rica. Rev. Biol. Trop., 32: 167-169.
Risk, M. J., M. M. Murillo y J. Cortés. 1980. Observaciones biológicas preliminares sobre el arrecife coralino en el Parque Nacional de Cahuita, Costa Rica. Rev. Biol. Trop., 28: 361-382.

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