The reproductive cycle of the insectivorous bat, Pterollonotus parnellii mexicanus in a semi-arid tropical environment in Mexico is seasonally monoestrous. Copulation takes place in January, gestation is from February to the last half of May, and young are born around the first half of June, when the rainy season has begun and flies are abundant. The embryos were found 96.2% of the time in the right horn of the bihorned uterus, so a dextral asymetry with both ovaries functional is recognized. Males are active throughout the year, but epididymal mature spermatozoa are found only in Decenber, January and February. The accesory glands are markedly hypertrofied in December and January. Testes vary in length, but to contain mature spermatozoa, they must be at least 3 mm long during the copulation season.References
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