From 1979 to 1982, a large scale survey of the marine and coastal fauna of the Gulf of California, México, was undertaken: 9 species of rock-shrimp of the genus Sicyonia were collected, totaling 5,190 specimens. A key to the 11 species of Sicyonia reported in the Gulf of California is given and the color of most species is also described, in many cases for the first time. Microphotographs of illustrations of the petasma are provided to permit easier identification of males. The zoogeography of the genus along the Pacific coast of America is discussed; Sicyonia has a very broad distribution, extending from the southern Oregonan Province as far south as Callao, Perú, in the Perú-Chilean Southern Hemisphere Province. The Gulf of California fauna is made up of several components including a warm-temperate species (S. ingentis), three endemic or almost endemic species (S. disparri, S. disedwardsi and S. penicillata) and a series of five tropical species (S. picta, S. aliaffinis, S. disdorsalis, S. martini and S. laevigata), the first three of which are widely distributed throughout the eastern Pacific region.
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