The reproductive cycle of 1094 specimens of the mangrove cockle, Anadara tuberculosa, was studied by a smear method and macroscopic observation of the gonads at Punta Morales, Costa Rica from May 1980 to April 1981. The percentage of males and females was approximately 1 : 1, the mean of individuals of undtermined sex was 13.84% raging from 42% in June of 1980 to 0 in December 1980. Ripening and fully ripe individuals were observed throughout the year. There was no evidence of sexual reversal in any specimen. The period of greatest _ spawning activity was from May to September, the percentage of spent individuals ranged from 70 to 50%, respectively. Active gametogenesis was observed with a decrease in the water temperature and salinity. The spawning peak coincided with high salinity and water temperature.References
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