Sample of commercial species of mollusks were collected by trawl during seasonal cruises at stations located along three transects on the coastal shelf of southern Sinaloa. México (SIPCO Cruises). Samples were obtained from 27 la 117 m and included 5 species of Anadara, Chione kellettii and Solenosteira gatesi among the most abundant species. For these species, fresh weight per hour of trawl was of 2.4 kg/hour for the shallowest stations and maximum abundance was found off Teacapán. Most of the specimens were obtained between 27 and 78 m. although Anadara spp. and C. kellettii were found at 109 and 114 m. Environmental conditions (temperature. salinity. dissolved oxygen and sediments) at the sampling localities are discussed, noting that S. gatesi was found on almost every type of substrate and tolerates very low levels of oxygen. Chione kellettii was predominantly found in clayish substrates and also tolerates very low levels of oxygen. Catch per unit area for C. kellettii is estimated as 12 kg/ha and would certainly increase if dredges were used.References
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