Zooplankton samples were collected in 1977-78 in the Estero El Verde, Sinaloa, a small coastal lagoon located on the mainland coast of the Gulf of California, México. Nine species of Copepoda and a single species of Cladocera were recognized, of which four were found to be the dominant species in the system (Acartia tonsa, A. lilljeborgii, Diaptomus amatitlanensis and Moina micrura). Two species of Pseudodiaptomus (P. cf. culebrensis and Pseudodiaptomus sp.) were also present at different periods of the year. The holoplanktonic community of the system is basically formed by freshwater species that are present only during the rainy season, by marine species that occasionally enter the lagoon and by species with an affinity for estuarine waters (Acartia and Pseudodiaptomus).References
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