Trawl samples of demersal fish populations within the Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica were conducted during February and July, 1979 and April, 1980 in an attempt to define basic abundance, diversity and distributional patterns. Seventeen day and three night samples produced 6,441 fishes of 107 species during the February cruise. Twenty day and two night samples produced 9,220 individuals of 131 species during the July cruise. Twenty day samples produced 14,151 individuals representing 125 species taken during the April cruise. A total of 214 species were collected during this study.
The Gulf of Nicoya may be divided into three zones on the basis of the physical characteristics of the stations (water temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity, depth and distance from the mouth of the Gulf). Few changes in the position of these zones occurred during the study period, indicating a relatively stableestuarine configuration from a biological perspective, under the influence of a wet and a dry season. No significant seasonal changes in the number, biomass, percent occurrence, diversity of partitioning by size class of fishes were observed.
Two major types of fish distributional patterns were observed. Several species were ubiquitous and were found throughout the Gulf in varying abundances. Other species were restricted to either the upper or lower Gulf. Dominant groups in the upper Gulf include the sciaenids, sea catfishes (Ariidae) and flatfishes (Soleidae, Cynoglossidae and Syacium ovale). These fishes tend to inhabit the warmer, shallower, less saline waters of the upper Gulf. Flounders (Bothidae), gobies (Bollmannia spp.), morays and congers (Hildebrandia nitens, Priodonophus equatorialis and Muraenesox coniceps) and several other species dominated the deeper, cooler, more saline lower Gulf.
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Stevenson, D., & F. Víquez. 1978. Evaluación preliminar sobre ciertas especies de corvina, robalo, pargo y macarela en el Golfo de Nicoya. Dir. Gral. Rec. Pesqueros y Vida Silvestre, Minist. Agríc. y Ganadería de Costa Rica 27 p. (mimeogr.).
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