Sampling al fish landing siles and on board fishing boals, faclors causing posl-harvesl fishery los ses were identified for Ihe artisanal fishery in Golfo Dulce, Cosla Rica. Six faclors, grouped in Ihree calegories, were Ihe primary veclors: macroorganisms, environmenlal faclors and handling problems. In Ihe firsl are Callinectes sp., sharks, marine turtles and an isopod; prolonged immersion and pressure of Ihe gillnel on the fish in Ihe second and poor icing or inadequale use of ice in Ihe las!. Post-harvest losses al landing siles were 5.56% or 127.908 Kg in Ihe Southem Pacific and 53 l .l 36 Kg for all the Pacifico The economic losses add 10 $66.038 in ¡he former and $265.141 in the laller. On board fishing boals Ihe loss is 16.37%, which represents a pOlenlial waSle of fish superior that on landing sites##plugins.facebook.comentarios##

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