Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Los "roncadores " del género <i>Pomadasys (Haemulopsis)</i> [Pisces: Haemulidae] de la costa Pacífica de Centro América
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How to Cite

López S., M. I. (1981). Los "roncadores " del género <i>Pomadasys (Haemulopsis)</i> [Pisces: Haemulidae] de la costa Pacífica de Centro América. Revista De Biología Tropical, 29(1), 83–94. Retrieved from


The four species of eastern Pacific Pomadasys belonging to the subgenus Haemulopsis are analized and a description based on meristic and morphologic characteristics is given for each of the four species: P. leuciscus, P. elongatus, P. axillaris and P. nitidus. Juvenile as well as adult characters are included and species comparisons are made. P. corvinaeformis, the only Atlantic representative of the subgenus, is considered a cognate of the Pacific P. leuciscus. A key to Pacific Haemulopsis is included.
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