Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Observaciones biológicas preliminares sobre el arrecife coralino en el Parque Nacional de Cahuita, Costa Rica
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Risk, M. J., Murillo, M. M., & Cortés, J. (1980). Observaciones biológicas preliminares sobre el arrecife coralino en el Parque Nacional de Cahuita, Costa Rica. Revista De Biología Tropical, 28(2), 361–382. Retrieved from


Preliminary investigation at Cahuita National Park, Costa Rica suggests that the reef is in a state of decline. The number of coral species is less than half that recorded for other Caribbean areas. Growth rates of individual coral heads may be, however, as high as in other areas. Boring sponges are ubiquitous, but only 4 species were found. A series of descriptions and sketches are given of the various reef habitats represented in the park.

Evidence from coral growth habits and species composition, direction of longshore drift, and sediment studies suggest that heavy sediment loading may be responsible for the present state of the reef.

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