We describe the karyotypes of the three most abundant coral snake species (Elapidae: Micrurus) in Costa Rica: Micrurus nigrocinctus, M. alleni and M. mipartitus. In M. nigrocinctus there are two karyotypic populations which correspond to two of the three subspecies described in our country. In M. n. nigrocinctus there are 26 chromosomes (16 macro- and 10 microchromosomes) and in M. n. mosquitensis 30 chromosomes (16 macro- and 14 microchromosomes) in the diploid set. Females from both populations are heteromorphic in the sixth chromosome pair. M. alleni has 34 chromosomes in the diploid set, with 20 macro- and 14 microchromosomes. In M. mipartitus the diploid set also has 34 chromosomes, but with 14 macro- and 20 microchromosomes. In all three species there is an evident secondary constriction in one pair of macrochromosomes.
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