Several features of taxonomic importance in Euglossa are illustrated and/or discussed: the mid tibia velvet area, sternal "pockets" of tufts, the form of the hind tibia and the number of mandibular teeth, all features of the males, and tongue length, punctation, color and nest structure: Euglossa is divided into twelve species groups separated into four subgenera: 1) Glossura (groups I-V) includes all species with obtuse pronotal angles and with the anterior tuft of the mid tibia entice. These are slender (or very small), shiny bees with long of very long tongue and with the hind tibia triangular. 2) Dasyslilbe, with a single species that combines features of Glossura and Euglossella. 3) Euglossella, which is limited to the E. viridis complex, bees with acute pronotal angles and with the anterior tuft of the mid tibia entire and very large. They are thick-bodied bees, often shaggy and shiny at the same time. 4) Euglossa (VIII-XII) is limited to the species with the anterior tuft of the mid tibia attenuate, notched or bilobed. These usually have the hind tibia rhomboid.References
Bennett, F. D. 1972. Baited McPhail fruitny traps to collect Euglossine bees. J. N. Y. Ent. Soc., 80: 137-145.
Dodson, C. H., R. L. DressJer, H. C. IDUs, R. M. Adams, N. H. Williams. 1969. Biologically active compounds in orchid fragrances. Science, 164: 1243-1249.
Moure, J. S. 1967. A Check-list of the known Euglossine bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae). Alas Simpósio Biola Amazonica, 5(Zool.): 395-415.
Moure,J. S. 1969. The Central American species of Euglossa subgenus Glonura Cockerell, 1917 (Hymenoptera, Apidae). Rev. Biol. Trop., 15: 227-247.
Moure, J. S. 1970. The Specics of Euglossine bees of Central America belonging to the subgenus Euglossella (Hymenoptcra, Apidae). An. Acad. Brasil. Gene., 42: 147-157.
Zucchi, R., J. M. F. de Camargo, & S. F. Sakagami 1969. Biological observations on a neotropical bee, Eulaema negrita, with a review on the biology of Euglossinae (Hymenoptera: Apoidea). A comparative study. J. Fac. Sci. Hokaido Univ. Series VI. 17: 271-380.

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