Four species of Lycoperdaceae are described from North Central Florida: Calvatia cyathiformis (Bose.) Morgan C. cyathiformis Zeller & Smith, Disciseda bovista (KI.) Henn., D. pedicellata (Morgan) Hollós and D. verrucosa Cunningham. A key to the North Central Florida genera of Lycoperdaceae is provided.References
Coker, W. c., & J. N. Couch 1928. The Gasteromycetes of the Eastern United States and Canada. University of North Carolina Press. 201 p.
Cunningham, G.B. 1944. The Gasteromycetes oi Australia and New Zealand. Dunedin, N.Z. 236 p.
Demoulin, V. 1968. Gastéromycetes de Belgique: Sclerodcrmata1cs, Tulostomatalcs, Lycoperdales. Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Belg., 380: 1-101.
Demoulin, V. 1969. Les Gastéromycetes. Introduction a I'étude des Gastéromycetes de Belgique. Nat. Beige,. 50: 225-270.
Demoulin. V. 1975. Les Gastéromycetes. Introductions a l'études des Gastéromycetes de Belgique. Additions et corrections. Nat. Belger, 56: 192-200.
Dring. D. M. 1964. Gasteromycctes ofWcst Tropical Africa. C.M.I. Mycol.. Papers, 98: 1-58.
Kreisel, H. 1962. Die Lycopcrdaceae der Deutschcn Dcmokratischen Republik. Fedd. Repert., 64: 84-201.
Kreisel. H. 1967. Taxonomisch-pflanzengcographischc Monographie del Gattung Bovista. Beith. Nova Hedwigia, 25: 1-244.
Lloyd, C. G. 1902a. Bovista and Bovistella. Mycol. Notes, No. 9 (# 173): 85.
Lloyd. C. G. 1902b. Bovisla pila. Mycol. Notes, No. 12 (# 204): 116-117.
Lloyd, C. G. 1904. Lanopilo bicolor. Mycol. Notes. No. 18 (# 286): 190-191.
Lloyd, C. G. 1905a. The Lycoperdaceae of Australia , New Zealand and NeigIJboring lslands. Lloyd Library, Cincinnati, Ohio. 42 p.
Lloyd, C. G. 1905b. The Lycoperdons of the United States. Mycol. Notes, No. 20:221-238.
Lloyd, C. G. 1906a. Sur quelques rares Gastérornycetes Européens. Mycol. Notes, No. 22: 261-292.
Lloyd, C. G. 1906b. The genus BovistelJa. Mycol. Notes, No. 23: 277-292.
Lloyd, C. G. 1916. Letter No. 62. MycologicaJ Writings, 5: 1-8.
Lloyd, C. G. 1923. The genus Lanopila. Mycol. Notes. No. 68: 1177.
Moravec, Z. 1954. On some species of the genus Disciseda and other Gasteromycetes. Sydowia, 8: 278-286.
Morgan, A. P. 1892. North American fungi. The Gasteromycetes. Cincinn. Soc. Nat. Hist. 14: 141-148.
Perdeck, A. C. 1950. Revision of the Lycoperdaccae of the Netherlands. Blumea, 6: 480-516.
Ridgway, R. 1912. Color standards and color nomenclature. The author. Washington, D. C. 43 p.
Smith, A. H. 1951. Puffoalls and llleir allies in Michigan. University of Michigan Press, Ano Arbor. 1 20 p.
Zeller, S. M., & A. H. Smith 1964. The genus Calvatai in North America. Lloydia, 27: 148-186.

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