Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Carbohidratos del veneno de <i>Bothrops asper</i> de Costa Rica. Estudio cuantitativo
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Aragón, F., Bolaños, R., & Vargas, O. (1977). Carbohidratos del veneno de <i>Bothrops asper</i> de Costa Rica. Estudio cuantitativo. Revista De Biología Tropical, 25(2), 171–178. Retrieved from


The venom of the Central American Bothrops asper, previously classified as B. atrox, is very rich in carbohydrates, both in the free state and forming a part of glycoproteins. It also contains neutral sugars (hexoses), methylpentoses, hexosamines and sialic acid. There is a significant difference in the quantity of carbohydrates in the venom of B. asper as compared to that of the South American B. atrox, thus further documenting the different taxonomic position of these two species.
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