Guentherus altivela, long known from the west coast of Africa, is described from 14 specimens collected off the Pacific coast of Costa Rica and Panamá. The eastern Pacific form is remarkably smiilar to literature descriptions and comparative material of the eastern Atlantic form. The Pacific population has a smaller mean number of anal rays (74.0 vs. 78.1), and a slightly longer head, upper jaw and first free pelvic rays.
The present discovery fills a major gap in the cosmopolitan distribution of the Ateleopodidae. It is suggested that G. altivela is a trans-Atlantic species which populated the eastern Pacific before the last emergence of the Central American land bridge; its eventual discovery in the western Atlantic could be expected.
Barnard, K. H. 1941. Report of the department of fishes and marine invertebrates. Ann. Rep. S. Afri. Mus., 1940: 10-11.
Barnard, K. H. 1948. Further notes on South African marine fishes. Ann. S. Afr. Mus., 36: 341-406.
Cadenat, J. 1960. Sur la présence d'un Ateleopidae, Melanogloea ven tralis Barnard 1941 (?) sur les cotes du Sénégal. Bull. Inst. Fr. Afr. Noire, 22: 1424-1426.
Cervigón, F. 1961. Descripción de Anodontus mauritanicus nov. gen. nov. sp. (orden ateleopiformes) y Cottunculus costae-canariae nov. sp. (familia Cottidae) de las costas occidentales de Africa. Inv. Pesq. Barcelona, 19: 119-128.
Ekman, S. 1953. Zoogeography of the sea. Sidgwick and Jackson, London.
Franca, P. da, & M. L. Ferriera 1967. Contribucao para o conhecimiento dos Ateleopidae do Atlantico oriental africano. Notas mimeogr. Cent. Biol. Aquát. Trop., Lisboa, 5: 1-24.
Howell Rivero, L. 1935. The family Ateleopidae and its West Indian form. Mem. Soc. Cubana Hist. Nat., 9: 1-16.
Hubbs, C. L. 1943. Terminology of early stages of fishes. Copeia, 1943: 260.
Ooorio, B. 1917. Nota sobre algumas especies de peixes que vivem no Atlantico Occidental. Arquiv, Univ. Lisboa, 4: 103-131.
Penrith, M. J. 1969. New records of deep-water fishes from South West Africa. Cimbebasia, S. W. Africa, Ser. A, 1: 59-75.
Walters, V. 1963. On two hitherto overlooked teleost families: Guentheridae (Ateleopodiformes) and Radiicephalidae (Lampridiformes). Copeia, 1963: 455-457.

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