The epidermal features of the leaf of Lycopersicum esculentum were studied by means of a scanning electron microscope, and the following results were obtained: the abaxial epidermal cells have wavier walls than the adaxial epidermal cells. Three kinds of trichomes were found on the yeins and areoles of both surfaces: a) multicellular, uniseriate hairs with a dilated base; b) muIticellular, uniseriate hairs with a complex multicellular base; and c) multicellular, glandular hairs with a dilated head. Types a and b showed small vesicles along the external cell surface and a possible glandular function could be associated with them. The leaf is amphistomatic and has abundant stomata abaxially; the ostioles are large and narrowed towards the stomatic chamber. Stomata are of the anomocytic or hemiparacytic types and have an exposed position on the epidermis. The venation is reticulate and the areoles are polygonal.References
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