Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Nests and seasonal cycle of <i>Neocorynura pubescens</i> in Colombia (Hymenoptera: Halictidae)

How to Cite

Michener, C. D. (1977). Nests and seasonal cycle of <i>Neocorynura pubescens</i> in Colombia (Hymenoptera: Halictidae). Revista De Biología Tropical, 25(1), 39–41. Retrieved from


In the Dept. de Antioquia, Colombia, Neocorynura pubescens is active throughout the year. Females collect pollen from weedy Compositae. Many nests in the banks of a small ditch were surprisingly similar in number of inhabitants, structure, manner of construction, and re-use to those of the strikingly different looking species, N. fumipennis, in Costa Rica. Mating presumably occurs in the nesting area; a clump of males prepared to pass the night on a perch in that area.


Michener, C. D., W. B. Kerfoot, & W. Ramírez B. 1966. Nests of Neocorynura in Costa Rica. J. Kansas Ent. Soc., 39: 245-258.

Michener, C. D., & R. B. Lange 1958. Observations on the behavior of Brazilian halictid bees. III. Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 39: 473-505.

Sakagami, S. F., & J. S. Moure 1967. Additional observations on the nesting habits of sorne Brazilian halictine bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Mushi, 40: 119-138.


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