Electron microscopic scanning of the adaxial leaf epidermis of Zea mays L. showed several kinds of hairs: macro-hairs on the veins, micro-hairs in the costal and intercostal zones and prickle hairs in the intercostal zones. Macro-hairs are lacking in the abaxial surface. The leaf is amphistomatic and stomata as well as short cells of various shapes (lenticular, crenate and tetralobulate) are restricted to the intercostal areas; the short cells form lines along the adaxial and abaxial (lower) intercostal zones as do the stomata in the abaxial surface. Small hollows of unknown origin and function, which alternate with the silica cells, are reported for the first time in this plant.
The leaf sheath shows rectangular epidermal cells with linear cell walls in the intercostal zone¡¡; it is covered by a striated cuticle. Stomata are scarce and are morphologically similar to those of the blade. Silica cells of variable shape are present abaxially. Abaxial costal zones are similar to those of the abaxial leaf blade, although the leaf sheath is almost glabrous.
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