The future agricultural development of Central America must be based on studies of land capacity in order to assure a sustained yield of the environment. The industrial development of the region, as well as the construction of highways and rural roads must be carefully planned as a means of environmental conservation.
New towns, housing developments, recreational facilities and highways should be planned to the effect that they occupy non-productive lands and thus minimize the modern trend of covering the best agricultural soils with concrete jungles. In recent years the price of agricultural lands has shown a tremendous rise, due mainly to the demand of land for urbanization. This situation has induced many farmers to abando n their lands, therefore, a selective land taxation system is suggested to encourage the cultivation of these suburban areas.
Bennett, C. F., G. Budowski, H. Daugherty, L. Harris, J. Milton, H. Popenoe, & N. Smith. 1974. Interaction of man and environments, p. 139-182, In G. Famworth y F. B. Golley (eds.). Fragile ecosystems; evaluation of research and applications in the neotropics. A report of the Institute of Ecology. Springer Verlag, New York.
Castillo, R. 1974. Algunas consideraciones generales para el estudio del uso potencial de la tierra, la contaminación ambiental y la preservación de las reservas forestales. Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Comercio, Costa Rica. 1974. 6p. (mecanografiado).
Compañía Agrícola El Potrero Ltda. 1938-1975. Archivos, Villa Colón, Costa Rica
Cooper, C., P. J. Depetris, J. Ehleringer, R. Fiaber, S. Hurlbert, S. Schneider, & J.
Zieman. 1974. Impacts of regional changes on climate and aquatic systems, p. 183-224, ln G. Famworth y F. B. Golley (eds.). Fragile ecosystems; evaluation of research and applications in the neotropics. A report of the Institute of Ecology. Springer Verlag, New York.
Fournier, L. A. 1974. Los recursos naturales y el desarrollo en Costa Rica. Primer Congreso Nacional sobre la Conservación de Recursos Naturales Renovables, abril 22-26 de 1974, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de Costa Rica, Acta Final. p. 25-41.
Moya, R. A. 1974. Utilización de los recursos hidrológicos. Primer Congreso Nacional sobre la Conservación de los Recursos Naturales Renovables, abril 22-26 de 1974, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de Costa Rica, Acta Final. p. 121-130.
Real Academia Española 1970. Diccionario de la Lengua Española, 19a. ed. Espasa-Calpe, Madrid. 1494 p.
UNESCO 1973. Ecological effects of energy utilization in urban and industrial systems. Programme on Man and the Biosphere (MAB). Expert Panel on Project 11. No. 13. Final Report. Bad Nauheim. 16-19 de octubre de 1973. 85 p.

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