The expansion of artificial or planted pastures (repasto) at the expense of both natural forest and cropland has brought major changes to the landscape and economy of Central America in recent years. On the pioneer fronts at the forest margin agriculture is commonly a transitory stage between forest Celling and the establishment of permanent pasture. In the past 1 5 years the area in planted pasture and the total numbers of beef cattle have nearly doubled in several Central American countries while the per capita consumption of beef has actually declined. The "grassland revolution" that is occuring in Central America and Panama has been based almost exclusively on grass species of African origin which have in most cases been introduced into Central America only in this century. Of these jaragua, guinea, pangola, and kikuyu are the most important. The ecologic consequences of the conversion of forest to pasture are little understood. Intensive management practices, including the application of high-cost and scarce fertilizers and carefully-managed rotational grazing, will probably be necessary to sustain the productivity of these lands under conditions of tropical climate.
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