Sweep samples in four different pasture sites and adjacent deciduous forest understory in Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica produced some tentative conclusions about the structure of the "community" of adult beetles and bugs: a) during the dry season, the different areas in the deciduous forest understory are of widely different value to beetles and bugs; b) the density and species-richness of beetles and bugs is severely reduced by the dry season in all sites except the portions of the forest understory beneath occasional evergreen trees; c) among the four pasture sites in the rain y season, there is nearly as wide a range of numbers of species and individuals as had been found in all the different secondary vegetation sites sampled previously in Costa Rica; d) during the dry season, there appears to be a higher per cent of the beetle species in common between forest understory and pasture sites than in the rainy season; and e) in one of the richest sites swept previously, 312 species of beetles were taken with 800 sweeps, while in the present study, 16,000 sweeps in five habitats and two seasons were required to accumulate 320 beetle species-the figures for adult bugs are generally the reverse, emphasizing that two major orders may display quite different patterns of community structure.
Allan, J. D., L. W. Barnthouse, R. A. Presbye, & D. R. Strong 1973. On foliage arthropod communities of Puerto Rican second growth vegetation. Ecology, 54: 628-632.
Costa Rica. Servicio Meteorológico Nacional 1965. Anuario Meteorológico. San José, Costa Rica, 68 p.
Janzen, D. H. 1973a. Sweep samples of tropical foliage insects: description of study sites, with data on species abundan ces and size distributions. Ecology, 54: 659-686.
Janzen, D. H. 1973b. Sweep samples of tropical foliage insects: effects of seasons, vegetation types, elevation, time of day, and insularity. Ecology, 54: 687-708.
Janzen, D. H., M. Ataroff, M. Fariñas, S. E. Reyes, N. Rincón, A. Soler, P. Soriano, & M. Vera 1975. Changes in the arthropod community along an elevational transect in the Venezuela Andes. (in press).
Janzen, D. H., & C. M. Pond 1975. A comparison, by sweep sampling, of the arthropod fauna of secondary vegetation in Michigan, England and Costa Rica. Trans. Roy. Entomol. Soc., 127 (1): 33-50.
Janzen, D. H., & T. W. Schoener 1968. Differences in insect abundance and diversity between wetter and drier sites during a tropical dry season. Ecology, 49: 96-110.
Schoener, T. W., & D. H. Janzen 1968. Notes on environmental determinants of tropical versus temperate insect size patterns. Amer. Natur., 102: 207-224.
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