A letter in latin fram Mariano La Gasca to A. P. De Candolle is presented in English and Spanish translations. La Gasea, whose bicentennial will be celebrated in 1976, was a patriot and one of the most important Spanish botanists of the early XIX Century. He played a significant role in the development of the classification of the Umbelliferae; the letter, dealing mainly with this subject, was written fram london during his years in exile, and came to light among specimens of Umbelliferae loaned to the senior author by the Conservatoire de Botanique, Geneve.References
CANDOLLE, A. P. DE 1813. Théorie élémentaire de la Botanique. Paris.
CANDOLLE, A. P. DE 1829. Mémoire sur la famille des Ombelliferes. Coll Mém., 5: 1-84.
COLMEIRO, M. 1858. La botánica y los botánicos de la Península Hispano-Lusitana. pp. 191-195.
HOOKER, W. J. 1830. Botanical Miscellany, 1: 63-64 (Passim)
KOCH, W. D. J. 1824. Generum tribuumque plantarum umbelJiferarum nova dispositio. Nova Acta Acad. Leop.-Carol., 12: 55-156.
LA GASCA, M. 1811, 1821. Amenidades naturales de las España.s, i-xi, 1-44; 45-111. ( Translated by the senior author).
LA GASCA, M. 1816. Generum speciemmque plantarum novarum aut mmus cognitarum diagnoses. 35 pp.
LA GASCA, M. 1826. Obsel'vaciones sobre la familia natural de las plantas aparasoladas (Umbelliferae) Ocios de Españoles Emigrados, London, 43 pp.
LA GASCA, M. 1826.-1828. Sketches of the botanical, horticultural and rural circumstances of Spain. Gardener's Magazine, 1 (3): 235-249; 2 (8): 393-399; 4 (14): 65-79.
MATHIAS, MILDRED- E., & L. CONSTANCE 1955. The genus Oreomyrrhis (Umbelliferae). Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot., 27: 347, 365, 368.
MATHIAS, MILDRED E., & L. CONSTANCE 1962. A revision of Asteriscium and sorne related hydrocotyloid Umbelliferae. Univ. Cali!. Publ. Bot., 33: 100, 121, 129.
SPRENGEL, K. P. J. 1824. Generum tribuumque plantarum umbelliferarum nova dispositio. Nova Acta Acad. Leop.-Carol., 12: 55-156.

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