The vegetation characteristics of the range of habitats within the Volcán Poás National Park are described. General observations were¡ supplemented by recording details of all trees along 10 x 50 m transect lines and representative profiles of the forest drawn. The following habitats were¡ recognised : 1 ) Crater and immediate vicinity; 2 ) Arrayan areas; 3 ) Stunted forest; 4) Montane rain forest - above 2,600 m; 5 ) Lower montane wet forest; 6) Old pasture areas; 7) Pastures of lower slopes.
BOZA, M. A. 1968. Plan de manejo y desarrollo para el Parque Nacional Volcán' Poás, Costa Rica. M. Sci. thesis. Instituto Interamericano de Ciencias Agrícolas de la OEA, Turrialba, Costa Rica.
HOLDRIDGE, L. R. 1967. Life zone ecology. Tropical Science Center. San José, Costa Rica.
MACEY, ANNE 1972. Ecological survey of Volcán Poás National Park. Unpublished report. Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería, Servicio de Parques Nacionales. San José, Costa Rica.
PITTIER, H. 1888. Informe sobre una excursión al Volcán de Poás efectuada del 25 al 27 de julio de 1888. La Gaceta (Diario Oficial), San José, Set. 22, 1888 : 1-3.
STANDLEY, P. C. 1937. Flora of Costa Rica. Field Museum. of Natural History. Publ. 391. Chicago. 4 v.

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