Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Tripanosomátidos de plantas laticíferas y sus insectos transmisores en Colombia y Costa Rica
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How to Cite

Ayala, S. C., Quintero, O. B. de, & Barreto, P. (1975). Tripanosomátidos de plantas laticíferas y sus insectos transmisores en Colombia y Costa Rica. Revista De Biología Tropical, 23(1), 5–15. Retrieved from


Phytomonas elmassiani was found in 333 of 408 Asclepias curassavica from 13 localities in Colombia and in 14 of 40 from 4 sites in Costa Rica. In Colombia similar flagellates were found in A. fruticosa and in a wild asclepiad vine Sarcostemma clausum in areas where A. curassavica was abundant and harbored intense infections. The parasite was transmitted to laboratory-raised A. curassavica and A. fruticosa by wild, naturally infected Oncopeltus cingulifer and O. unifasciatellus as well as by laboratory-infected nymphs of both species. In wild-caught insects, only O. cingulifer had flagellates in the salivary glands; it is probably the main vector-host locally.

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