The genus Reimarochloa was previously not known from the North American continent. Reimarchloa brasiliensis is reported from El Salvador and Honduras. The plants are entirely cIeistogamous. Their foliar anatomy is panicoid. The somatic chromosome number is 2n = 20, this being the first count for the genus.References
CHASE, AGNES 1911. Notes on genera of Paniceae. IV. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 24: 103-159.
HSU, CHIEN-CHANG 1965. The classification of Panicum (Gramineae) and its allies, with special reference to the characters of lodicule, style-base and lemma. J. Fac. Sci., Kyoto, Sec. 3, 9: 43-150.
RAFANNA, M. S., & M. C. A. MUTSAERTS 1971. Unusual behaviour of growing pollen tubes in the styles and ovules of Spinacia oleracea L. Ellphytica, 20; 145-151.

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