Observations in three Rhodnius prolixus infected thatch-roofed huts in the Departamento Francisco Morazán, Honduras, revealed that of their 22 inhabitants, 11 were positive serologically for Chagas’ disease, four of them with the Romaña sign, and positive Trypanosoma cruzi hemoculture and xenodiagnosis. Another five persons (two serologically positive for Chagas' disease) were positive only for Trypanosoma rangeli in hemoculture, two of which were also positive for the same parasite by xenodiagnosis.
Pure and mixed infections by both trypanosomes were found in 1230 R. prolixus captured in the three huts. In T. rangeli, examination of the feces, hemolymph and salivary glands is necessary to determine the number of infected insects. Precipitin tests showed the avidity of R. prolixus for biting man; one insect was found positive for human and opossum blood concomitantly.
CANESE, A. 1967. Cuatro casos agudos. de enfermedad de Chagas en una misma vivienda de un período de 1 año. Rev. Parag. Microbiol., 2: 17-18.
D'ALESSANDRO, A., & S. MANDEL 1969. Natural infections and behavior of Trypanosoma rangeli and Trypanosoma cruzi in the vector Rhodnius prolixus in Colombia. J. Parasol., 55: 846-852.
D'ASCOLI, A., & J. C. GÓMEZ-NÚÑEZ 1966. Notas sobre los medios de dispersión del Rhodnius prolixus. Acta Cient. Venezolana, 17: 22-25.
DíAS, E., & R. ZELEDÓN 1955. Infestacao domiciliaria em gran extremo por Triatoma infestans. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, 53: 473-486.
FREITAS. J. L. P. DE 1951. Reaccao de fixacáo do complemento para diagnóstico da molestia de Chagas pela técnica quantitativa. Arq. Hig. Saude Publ., 16: 55-94.
GAMBOA, J. 1963. Comprobacion de Rhodnius prolixus Venezuela Bol, Of. San. Panamer., 54: 18-25.
GóMEZ-NÚÑEZ, J. C. 1963. Notas sobre la ecología del Rhodnius prolixus. Bol. Inf. Dir. Malariol. San. Amb., 3: 330-335.
PONCE, C., & R. ZELEDÓN 1973. La Enfermedad de Chagas en Honduras. Bol. of. San. Panamer., 75: 239-248.
ROMAÑA, C. 1961. Epidemiología y distribución geográfica da la enfermedad de Chagas. Bol. Of. San. Panamer. 51: 390-403.
TOBIE. E., & C. REES 1948. The cultivation in Trypanosoma cruzi in dialysate mediurn. J. Parasil., 35: 162-163.
ZELEDÓN. R. 1959. Differentiation of Trypanosoma rangeli and Schizotrypanum cruzi in a liquid medium, with notes on the nutrition of hemoflagellates. J. Parasit., 45: 652.
ZELEDÓN. R. 1974. Epidemiology, modes of transmission and reservoir host oE Chagas' disease, p. 51-77. In Ciba Found. Symp. 20, Trypanosomia and Leishmaniasis with especie reference to Chagas' disease. Elsevier, Exc. Med., Amsterdam.
ZELEDÓN, R., G. SOLANO, A. ZÚÑIGA, & J. C. SWAATZWELDER 1973. Biology and ethology of Triatoma dimidiata (Latreille, 1811) III. Habitat and blood sources. J. Med. Entomol., 10: 363-370.

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