Previous lists of Costa Rican Tabanidae are updated and revised to include 90 species in 22 genera. The taxonomic status of species questionably reported earlier is clarified and reference is made to new publications on the regional species in addition to records of new material.
FAIRCHILD, G. B. 1961. A preliminary check list of the Tabanidae (Diptera) of Costa Rica. Rev. Biol. Trop., 9: 23-38.
FAIRCHILD, G. B. 1967. (1966). Notes on neotropical Tabanidae. IX. The species described by Otto Krober. Studia Entomol., 9: 329-379, 33 figs.
FAIRCHILD, G. B. 1969. Notes on neotropical Tabanidae. XII. Classification and distribution, with keys to genera and subgenera. Arquivos de Zoología, Sao Paulo, 17: 199-255.
FAIRCHILD, G. B. 1971. Family Tabanidae, p. 1-163. ln A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas south of the United States. Museu Zool., Sao Paulo, 28.
HINE, J. S. 1906. The North American species of Tabanus with a uniform middorsal stripe. Obio Natur., 7: 19-28.
HINE, J. S. 1925. Tabanidae of Mexico, Central America and the West Indies. Occas. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan, 162: 1-35.
KROBER, O. 1925. Die Chrysops-Arten Sud-u. Mittelamerikas, nebst der Arten der Inselwelt und Mexikos. Konowia, 4: 210-375, Pl. 1-5.

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