Nycterophilía fairchildi Wenzel (Diptera: Streblidae) is reported from Costa Rica for the first time. The specimens studied and Trichobius sp. were collected on the same bats (Pteronotus davyi, Phyllostomatidae). The halteres, wings and arista of N. fairchildi are redescribed and illustrated.
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JOBUNG, B. 1949. Host-parasite relationship between the American Streblidae and the bats, with a new key to the American genera and a record of the Streblidae from Trinidad, British West Indies. (Diptera). Parasitology, 34: 315-329.
PESSOA, S. B., & L. GUIMARAES 1940. Nota sobre Streblideos (Diptera) de morcegos de Mato-Grosso, Brasil. Arquivos Inst., Biol. Sáo Paulo, 2: 21-26.
RYBERG, O. 1947. Studies on bats and bat parasites. Bokforlaget Svensk Natur. 330 p.
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WENZEL, R., V. TIPTON, & ALICJA KIEWUCZ 1966. The streblid batflies of Panama (Diptera: Calypterae; Streblidae), p. 405-675. En R . L. Wenzel, & V. Tipton (eds.), Ectoparasites of Panama. Field Museum of Natural History. Chicago.

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